As an exclusive blog made for anyone the advertisement has brought in, I would like to say: Welcome notecard of allowable opinion arsonists and thank you for checking the site out. I don’t know how to get subscribers and email lists and all that (yes, I hear the ads ever day too, and I want to “monetize that thing” but this is all so new and foreign. I guess, for now, if you’re really interested in being notified when new issues (or other works) come out, just email However, the fact of the matter is, I just want some libertarians to see what I got so far: maybe share it, I am not sure. I just want people who may understand the humor in it to see it if that makes sense. Anyway, here are the next two issues to come out soon:

The Undisputed Champion for Liberty, no.3: Mark of the Beast. This is the COVID-19 issue, where, upon passing H.R. 6666, they try to implement the TRACE program and the Champion for Liberty stops it. This is about halfway done, and I have a new artist and intern, Claire Emmert, working on some of the artwork. This issue is so solid that it is difficult not to share the rough drafts, but I won’t.

The Undisputed Champion for Liberty, no. 4: Snowed-In. The plot of this comic is Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and Joe Biden (and really with G-Dub Bush’s assistance) go to Russia in order to capture Edward Snowden; however, the content is really going to be mostly about this upcoming presidential election (as you see Biden riding on Obama’s coattail as they dive out of the plane), but the setting and back story is them capturing Snowden.