Operation Snowed-In, pt.2 (of 2): Snowed-Out

Epilogate (continued):


As the antagonists arrive on the plane, they immediately start celebrating.  The reader will notice the eye-dialect coming from Biden changed with a little urban twang to it; this change was inspired by The Breakfast Club interview in which Biden told Charlamagne the God that if you didn’t know to vote for him “you ain’t black.”  This was seen, to say the least, by the public as fairly distasteful.  This is a distasteful phrase, but a common idiom in Black culture, none-the-less.  Just based on personal experience, it is meant to delineate a certain behavior from Black culture, and I have even heard it used to describe peoples’ actions who are clearly not Black while associating with predominantly Black group.  However (and I won’t get into a huge discussion about race here), this shouldn’t be used by a public figure because someone’s skin color is only skin deep and implying that they should then be part of or adhere to certain behavioral traits based on skin tone is really inappropriate.  One may hear this phase in their own culture by people, but the difference is the ability to disassociate.  For example, if someone were to say, “you ain’t Polish if you don’t…” to someone of Polish ethnicity, they could easily defer to their American heritage, or whatever.  Even if someone were to say, “you ain’t white…” the white person could defer to a Polish heritage.  Whereas people with dark enough skin pigmentation will always be identified as such.  Even if you’re a hockey player and go to the game listening to country music, maybe even raised by white people—you’re still black.1  This is what is meant by “white privilege” I brought up earlier.  The point is, Biden got a little too comfortable and probably shouldn’t have said that which inspired the casual speech in the story.


They immediately move to interrogating the prisoner.  The chant “water board” is to show that all of these people are not opposed to torture.  When Clinton voices her boredom with said boarding torture, Trump turns on her and starts asking about emails.  At the time this was written, it was thought to be humorous related to Trump’s constant hammering of the “deleted email” situation, even after the controversy had very much died down.  Of course, now that she (or the foundation or whatever) is being investigated, it doesn’t seem so silly.  This brings us straight into the next scandal:


Biden gets mad when Trump gives ole Hillary the proverbial boot (and the literal one I s’pose) and accuses him of obstructing justice (alluded to in part one).  So, Trump’s perfect conversation was deduced to him petitioning the Prime Minister of Ukraine, quid pro quo, to investigate Biden or not get money (federal aid from the U.S.).  Of course, it turns out that Biden really did hold back money designated to Ukraine until they dropped charges against his son, the same thing Trump was impeached for and didn’t do.  Biden denies it, and Trump brings up his mental conditions and his refusal to take the state mini mental health exam, but also states why he felt the need to protect his son (refers to Hunter’s illegitimate pregnancy with a stripper). 


Biden’s actual quote here is almost too much—now, to be clear, I’m not saying he has dementia or anything (I’ve also heard it said he had a stutter when he was young), but this was just the absolute worst time to stutter.  I am not going to speculate on his cognitive abilities; however, it does raise some ethical questions if he does have some dementia.  It is odd that their caucus doesn’t care that he’s got some type of screw loose, but, whatever, every president since Teddy Roosevelt is batty—the aim of this parodying of the interview in the story is just to bring up how many Democrats say that Trump was mentally unfit to be president, and then go and run Biden against him (fight fire with fire I suppose).  However, it’s like every time they try to catch Trump in a scandal and the investigations start, there is nothing, but Democrats involved!  If I didn’t know any better, I would say they want President Trump re-elected.  These people (Pelosi for instance) are beyond incompetent, they are some type of Freudian flunkies.  Then UCL jumps in to save Snowden with his sidekick Daniel McAdams shooting down drones, and he kicks the agitators off the plane. 


Then comes the scene with the famous libertarian motif, which one may have seen on memes, political cartoons, et cetera:  When a libertarian is demolishing a Democrat in a debate and a conservative/Republican chimes in on the libertarians’ side, the libertarian turns to them with furrowed eyebrows and his facial expression saying, “You want some of this action too?”  Libertarians love this game; hence, Trump is thrown off the plane for seemingly no reason other than trying to find a common alliance with our hero. 

Then, UCL turns back to mild-mannered Dr. Ron Paul, and shares his coffee with Snowden that he brought for after the hijacking of the plane.  They discuss the good ole days, when you labeled people terrorists, and it still meant something to the public (for some reason).  Dr. Paul touches on the fact that communists, who allegedly don’t care about individual rights, are protecting those that do, from a culture that does (apparently).  However, G-Dub brings up the fact they outsource imprisonment to avoid red-tape with interrogation and incarceration standards of the U.S. (which is what the U.S. does in real life).  Of course, this is all done in the name of “freedom” and the ending is supposed to remind the reader of an older, corny, sitcom where something cheesily obnoxious happens and they laugh to a freeze frame.  The punch line implies that in this one particular case, the propaganda actually does mean what it is said to mean prima facie.