Democrats are Right

The Undisputed Champion for Liberty, No. 12

It would seem there is a little bit of controversy since the second part of Hail Queen Whitmer (UCL 10) because I said I was going to “love being stupid” now that I’m voting Democrat.  It’s not that I got “negative” feedback on the essay, but, the truth is, which I don’t know why I would be inclined to do give, since the only truth I would hope to get through to the hypersensitive nincomdouches is how much I don’t care about their feelings, it was not an attempt to categorize all Democrats as such. Rather, it was meant to express solace in defeat—sort of a melancholic “ignorance is bliss”, “can’t beat them join them”, kind of thing, clichécally speaking. The fact is the Democrats are right, even if virtually none of them understand why! I am going to explain why they are right, why they don’t know it, that this is not the reason for the “stupid” remark, and the reasoning behind said consolation remark, but first I need to reconcile a mistake made by Democrat-leaning readers. So, Let’s clear the air, so to speak (of carbon dioxide so these snowflakes don’t have a meltdown).

I’ve come to terms with midterms and termination of the gubernatorial race 2022. Dixon wasn’t from Michigan. They played that “abortion is never okay clip1,” like it was number one on the billboard charts and nothing, and I mean nothing, horrifies the tokophobic snowflakes like the thought of not being able to scrape a fetus off like an ill positioned mole— I blame Dirty Dancing. They dressed her up like she had to present a PowerPoint to a group of lesbian basketball coaches in the winter time and no one could see her curves because of her slender body-type (I know I factored in cup size as Freudian reasoning on how much the general public trusts the women because of their stunted psychosexual development voting patterns, but, also, they’re Republicans and therefore misogynists2 and should’ve known better), and she has curves— I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life— I’m as certain as Walter Sudzik was that The Big Lebowski wasn’t really even paralyzed and sought to prove it. And, she was a “Trump candidate” to boot.3

Regardless, concerning these mutant conservatives getting hoodwinked during the elections: They are doing it again! Every single time more evidence about Joe Biden’s corruption comes out, Trump gets another indictment. Trump’s indictments take Biden out of the news cycle and puts Trump in. Every time Trump gets indicted, his voting base donates more and more money, his poll numbers in the primaries go up, and this also takes him off the campaign trail (which by all accounts his rallies are a major part of his success). It also causes the campaign to focus on these bogus allegation and corruption instead of what a terrible president, and person, Joe Biden is. As stated last time, it’s a dangerous and somewhat controversial stratagem, but it has proven effective. The media doesn’t care: either they fulfill their political duties to the Democratic Party, or Trump gets elected which means huge increases in ratings. Win/win.

Therefore, the stupidity remark was not made in anyway to lift up Republicans on a higher intelligence scale, that would be absurd since they are both equally stupid. However, beyond their first rate political campaign manipulations, they are also right, while the GOP’s are only right so far (if you catch my pun).

First and foremost, intelligence is not quantifiable and “stupid” is not its opposite.  When one thinks of “genius” or high intelligence, many people think of Albert Einstein.  E = MC2, a brilliant and profound thinker of average grades, got lost on his way home from school, and left his family only to marry his first cousin.  The dual, “black & white”, thinking (which is instinctual in all likelihood) is a scourge on human intelligence everywhere, and a menace when it comes to political philosophy. Some of the rabble may read this and object, for the majority of people know there is a “gray area” especially as it relates to politics. Fact check: true, most people do know, concede, and must contend with the “gray area” inherent in politics, but this is exactly my point, virtually no one understands that there is a whole spectrum of colors.  It is not black, white, and shades of gray, there is blue, yellow, and all kinds of colors. That is neither here nor there, however, and the fact is (the fact that makes intelligence unquantifiable) intelligent people do and say stupid things too. However, in keeping with the rabble’s tradition of thought duality in politics, there can only be one intelligent partisan. 

In my experience, Democrats are more intelligent than Republicans4. Back to the Einstein example, he infamously wrote a paper on how and why he was a socialist, titled cleverly, Why Socialism?5.  These people with mechanical, scientific, mathematical, engineering, etc. have a problematic mind, meaning, they like to problem solve, invent systems, experiment, et cetera.  It also happens that universities are pushing socialist ideals making educated people more inclined to the Democratic disposition (whether this applies to Einstein’s manifesto or not). Therefore, they are able to believe their ideas will efficiently deal with societies problems and have the ability to articulate it.  This frustrates the Republican partisans because they just use common sense and, when they discover that the appeal to the commons doesn’t work, they do not know how to articulate their thoughts and are felled by the logically fallacious arguments they are berated with. This typically elicits an immature response. (Look, I don’t like stereotyping or speaking in generalities, but it is not my forte explaining my political rantings neither; if it is any consolation, having “common sense” should qualify as some sort of  “smarts”). [Side note: most people ironically do not even know the actual definition of “smart” (one would have to look it up as I am sure the top definitions should be changing soon) which is a “sharp and stinging pain”.] They’re right about the Republican predisposition.

Reading the 2020 Democratic Party Platform6, which is the most recent as far as I can tell, the underlying theme becomes tragically obvious to there main agenda. They are interested in “equality” and “fairness”, which is consistent with what the Americana, even if they do have a deranged Rawlsian definition of “equality”, want for the culture.  Nonetheless, they are correct, things ain’t exactly equal for all distinctions of peoples here in America.  The biggest difference between the contemporary zoological classifications of the human species is sex, and has been throughout man’s history. True, humans are humans, the attempt to group tribes based on immutable and superficial (and irrational, frankly) is trifling. However, Democrats tell us that sex is just a social construct— and they’re right. Know what else is a social construct? Words. Science. Mathematics. Money. Philosophy, and pretty much everything that has progressed the health and prosperity for humans. In fact, health and prosperity are social constructs.  Identifying something as a “social construct” doesn’t mean it is completely meaningless, that doesn’t even make sense.  This is the problem with the fashionable post-modernist echo chamber. 

That being said, The biggest differences across humans, and all mammals alike, is sex.  Even in animals in general, Dawkins7 identifies the gamete size as said difference (large is female, small is male). In fact, the binary gender roles are responsible for all learning, epistemologically speaking, if you let Freud tell it.  First, we need to deal with the wrongs. There are many a Democrat biologist who love to talk about worms and other creatures that have curious gender and reproduction processes, but we don’t have cell walls, we don’t have gills, and, up until this controversy over gender fluidity, we had rational thought. If there is nothing but a specious specie difference between the two sexes, what of the phenomena that boys want to be girls, and girls, boys?  If the genders are so fluid, what of the phenomena taking place where men are born to the wrong body or their souls are of a different gender? If gender is so spurious, why do people who believe they are not the sex assigned to them at birth need surgeries and hormones? If one can simply be a woman, one should just be a woman. 

Democrats are right, though. Who cares? They’re grown men (or transmen, or women, or whatever), so in the words of the wise old philosopher Missy “Misdemeanor” Elliot: “Get your freak on, girl, get your freak on.”8 Ain’t none of my business, and even if it was my business, “you know I wouldn’t trIyip” [Red9 asking Deebo10 for his bike back voice]11. But here’s the thing though: They are not always grown. Democrats are demanding (they’re not asking) that we teach children that boys are girls and girls are boys. Why on Darwin’s flat-earth, would you do that? You wouldn’t let them eat ice cream for dinner, or watch porn, or not bathe, or carry a gun, hell you might even get CPS called on you for those things, yet, chopping your genitals? No problem.  It is somewhat appalling to hear people ask, “Why do you care?” concerning this issue, as if child abuse is just another lifestyle. Actually, Darwinism is probably the only philosophy offering consolation to the transgendering of children: It assures that their parent’s, who don’t understand basic biology (that has been understood without any articulation at all for millions of years) bloodline will not live on. It would have been more “humane” just to sterilize the parents instead of torturing their children. “Oh, but the suicide rate is so high!” That’s a great thing to teach children: “If your parents don’t let you live your life according to the absurd, kill yourself!” Because children with gender dysphoria have an abnormally high suicide rate, we should teach all children that it’s okay to be transgender? Right. What could possibly go wrong? It is quite hilarious to watch liberal media pundits chastise conservative parents that want to ban books to children when they can’t read those books on air because “there are children present!”— with the book blurred out, by the way, but this is bordering on the “stupid”, so I’ll digress for now.

I know contradictions in philosophy are pretty much immaterial for Democrats, but how can they reconcile that supporting transism and feminism are in direct conflict with each other? How can  a man, who has never had a period, hormonal influxes, or any other biological or social stressors that comes from having the capacity to carry children in their womb, possibly relate to a women? All this talking, acting, dressing, and looking like a girl is not good enough. (I’m speaking of men to women transgenders because women do not have an advantage in reverse situations, whereas men to women have an advantage in competition with women; we have seen that men are even winning in beauty pageants which is a highly feminine competition.) I don’t see how women even put up with this. How long has it taken them to build competitive sports teams? Now, we have men that don’t get periods or give birth thinking they are women because they wear make up and pretend not to know what March Madness is? (By the way, I didn’t need Dylan Mulvaney to figure out Bud Light beer sucks, I’ve been boycotting for years—stay woke.12) Trans people think they have it bad day to day, try being a woman…. Wait… I suppose they are… 

Democrats were right about one thing though, the “Shemale” or “Chicks with D**ks” movie genre is coming up in the world.

And for our next trick: let’s pretend to be surprised when the schools get shot up! Democrats think that guns should be banned because the schools get shot up, and they are right to think so. Every single school shooter (or even mass shooter) is a Democrat, a few of them registered. Forcing children to go to school until they’re 16, or sit in jail, forcing them to learn that you can be any gender you want, it’s no surprise this doesn’t happen in private schools. Well, there was one in a private school (Catholic School) a transgender Democrat shot up because of the white privilege they all had, which she went to school there (you don’t have to be a student of Freud to psychoanalyze that self-loathing). Which by the way, sparked an insurrection in the Tennessee Capitol building when many Democrats marched there in an attempt to take away people’s rights and sparked many vigils for the trans community because Republicans and Catholics forced this  deranged lunatic white devil to shoot innocent children. Yes, the Biden administration was extremely supportive of the trans community during this tragic time. However, the Democrats are correct on this issue: if there is one parent in the entire world that should of castrated their son, it’s Joe Biden.

Democrats say that these school shootings are gruesome tragedies, and they are right. They say that gun crimes keep going up and up and they are right!  They say that deaths from guns just surpassed all the all-child mortality deaths13 (kind of, why they added 18 and 19 year olds into “children”, I do not know, but) they are right. They say America has the highest murder rate out of all the “developed countries” (why they only take statistics from so-called “developed” countries I do not know, but if I had to guess, it’s probably so they can apply arbitrary subjective criterion to make countries with higher murder/gun violence rates not appear in the list before us) and they are right again. They say, “The government has bombs and F-18s!” and they are right! They say that guns kill people, which is wrong, but people use guns to kill people, that’s a fact. They say that guns have no other purpose than killing people (or animals) (other than as novelty or collector items), right again! In fact, these are the very reasons I own and carry guns! This is exactly why the Second Amendment was written and why I support it. This precisely the reason we bear arms.

Unfortunately, most Democrats are devastatingly misinformed when it comes to gun law; however, they’re right about one thing: Gun laws in Australia completely solved mass shootings. It’s true! They had one mass shooting, passed the laws, and, BOOM, now they have none. Great job Australia, saved more lives than their draconian COVID measures, which are still going on until this very day.14

Speaking of COVID, the Democrats were right about masking. Contrary to nearly all the research ever done about masking and prevention of viral spread especially in the community setting, including the all encompassing thorough Cochrane Review meta-analysis proving surgical masks are ineffective, one study from the CDC found that they could help15. The Study in the footnotes starts off with the picture [below] showing that mask mandates and public dining prevent the growth, spread, and mortality rate with the COVID-19 virus. I have pasted and highlighted screenshots of the study which found “no significant differences during the reference period.” However, if you move the proverbial goal posts, there is a difference, and that is how you Science! Then, at the bottom is the screen shot of the conclusion, where they find that: “No, actually these government interventions do something, after all.” All these Republican conspiracy theorists just deny Science, no matter what. Democrats are right because a person’s body is not just their body, it effects the entire community. Unless, of course, there is a humanoid parasite infecting the uterus which could one day and grow into an independent human organism (which ruins the lives of women) if allowed to brood for eight to ten months.

As much as it pains me to say, Democrats are right about abortion. A woman’s body is her body, and the government should have no say in her healthcare. They have no right to dictate medicine. They can’t force vaccines, for instance. I don’t know why we can’t just use the heart beat for the sign of life, that’s how we pronounce people dead, and seems like a logical agreeable point in gestation. This Democrat I was arguing with online told me about the conservative conspiracy of the fetal heart beat, which she was right about. She says, “It’s not a ‘heartbeat’, what you’re hearing is myocardial cells contracting and releasing causing the mitral valves to open and shut” So, I go, “Oh. So a like a heart beat? You just described a heart beat.” Abortion is a vile and revolting thing to do, true, but, nonetheless, medical procedures, or drugs, or whatever, should be between a person and their physician they voluntarily chose, period.

That being said, children (or anyone)  have no right impose their hunger and other needs onto another person,  but the Democrats don’t believe that, though. They think world hunger should end, as well as poverty. However, true to the Democrat’s nature, where contradiction is the rule and emotions are King, their god, Science,  tells them to believe in “overpopulation”. This is an absurd proposal. Yes, I am aware dimwits probably latch onto this  fairly easily: one can imagine a globe, and how small it is, and, with the experience of having run out of something, it is simple to accept this prima facie. However, this is not scientific, this is not theological, it isn’t based on anything other than the fact just stated (the Earth, surprise, is bigger than a globe). Paul Ehrlich (probably the most popular population overload apocalyptic soothsayer and purveyor of such propaganda) was asked how can he account for being so dead wrong on all his predictions, and he stated that he wasn’t “wrong” it’s just taking longer than anticipated. Why the sudden change in goalposts? Because Science! The population growth has been slowing for several decades now anyway. However, if one thinks the world is overpopulated and not enough resources for everyone, why would one care so much about people starving, sick, measure healthcare outcomes with high life expectancies, wars, poverty, etc.? 

Oh yes, the Democrats are right about socializing healthcare. The pharmaceutical companies have run our government since the Flexner Report. Which the Rockefeller’s funded out of the kindness of their hearts and it had nothing to do with petroleum based drugs.  This report was used by government as a means to effectively restrict entry of physicians into the labor market through licensing, education, and/or otherwise not mentioned legal requirements. I’m sure people can guess which medical schools were approved, and which were outlawed and subsequently closed. These benevolent corporate interests, which the Democrats know as “Robber-Barons”, were thought to be “unfettered capitalists”.  This was, of course, not true, but nonetheless the government passed anti-trust laws to prevent the, according to Teddy Roosevelt, “bad trusts” from forming. Among these laws, as they stand today, “price gouging” is outlawed. For instance, the man who went to jail for the horrendous crime of increasing the resale price on Clorox wipes during COVID. The very same people, however, allow pharmacies to sell medication (e.g. Beta Blockers) that cost $4 a bottle without insurance, charge someone with insurance $100 a bottle, with a $10 copay. However, everyone has the right to health insurance! Qui bono, anyone? It is a good thing we have the government to appoint nonelected officials to lifetime positions who have direct financial interests in the healthcare market to regulate it. So, now we see free healthcare would quite obviously be better! Who cares how much it costs when it is free? This Republican propaganda about “how much it costs” and “nothing is free” is absolutely ridiculous. They have a money machine, running 24 hrs. a day, just making money. It’s fiat, why do only special interests get to have it? Why not just give it directly to special interests groups and skip the middle man? We already pay for all the research and development of the drugs, which they sell back to us after they (“they”— remember one cannot simply produce drugs and sell them! Preposterous!) produce them. But ay, it’s just money, right? 

Yes, we have to subsidize poverty! If people lived in real poverty they wouldn’t let this corporatism and market regulations hinder them from making money! Right again (D). Obviously, poverty is a “bad” thing, but, instead of changing the fascist system, we should just abuse the term “fascist” until no one knows what it is and then reserve it for Republicans and Nazis.

I have to admit, I didn’t understand why the Democrats were so pro-helping the Nazis in Ukraine, but since the attack by Hamas in Israel, I see now they’ve always been anti-Semitic, which there is no shortage of throughout history. Even though, I think this pro-Hamas movement has alienated half of the Democrats’ voting base, the radicals are apparently unconcerned with this situation. However, they’re right: NATO sat there on the Russian border flexing their muscles, Putin told them to stop, they didn’t, Russia invaded, and NATO broke out quicker than a herpes sore before a hot date. Also, sooner or later, someone must contend with the fact that Israel is occupying Palestine, they did take land violently, and now the UN is supporting Palestine? The mess they made? And let’s face the facts here, The U.S. is NATO, Israel, and The UN.

And they’re right, they don’t even have to print the money, they credit the arms dealers accounts. Which, by the way, is only for special corporations. This is the Blonde Beast’s GOD (G.O.D.: guns, oil, drugs). Then, the Republicans want to stop money for GOD “to secure the border” [baby whiney voice]. Holy Zarathustra, son of Dionysus…

Why on Darwin’s flat earth a country with robust social programs would be all for immigration, I sincerely do not know. However, the Democrats are right again, the borders should be open. Now, I know this sentiment is not as popular as the hardcore Democrats make it sound, but the Alt-Lefties are right, let them come. People are all, “It’s costing the city money! There is no housing for them! No food!!!” 

Back to the story: 
It’s costing the city money! There is no housing for them! No food!!! Dogs and cats, living together, and you know the rest!!!” Apparently, the government has to provide them food and clothes and shelter and everything else for Lord knows why.

Question: Who gives a fucking mother fucking fucking motherfucking mother fuck fuck, where the fucking fuck these fucking mother fucking mother fuckers fucking sleep or fucking eat? How the mother fucking mother fuck is that my fucking problem? Go, fucking produce for the community or die like a rat, that is the mother fucking American way; if one doesn’t like the way America is, then one should sneak the fuck back out, or go the fuck somewhere else to seek fucking asylum, mother fucker. Fuck, that goes for Americans too, as a fucking matter of the fucking fact. People want to be in the country, let them be in the country then!! You know what we should outlaw?! We should outlaw these fucking Rich Men North of Richmond giving our fucking shit to fucking immigrants! How ‘bout we fucking outlaw them fucking fucks from giving away our fucking shit every motherfucking time I try to fucking earn some fucking money by being a productive person that fucking contributes to the fucking community?  Put that in your fucking pipe and fucking smoke it. They want to take my fucking money and give it to immigrants while they lock Americans up in cages for no fucking reason at all? I have to get fucked in the ass (not in a good way) because nonfuckingamericans need some shit? I need some fucking shit. Then, these mortherfucking Republicans: “They bring drugs in here!” [Trump voice with the flailing motions when he made fun of handicaps] — Good! Fucking good. They start contributing to the community immediately. If all these people are smuggling drugs, if there wasn’t prohibition on them, would all these people just stay the fuck home? Ya! Crack that up and fucking snort it. Fucking Drug War has fucking tortured communities to fucking death, literally and socially. Just fucking perpetuating, and even fucking subsidizing, poverty. So, roll that on a dick and fuck it.

Guess who’s right again? That’s right! Democrats! Get rid of the police and their brutality. Libertarians have been saying this for decades; since they were fugitive slave catchers even. People getting locked up behind bars for life and never even violated one single person in their life. In some cases, they were never even caught with a drug. But, now, all the sudden we have to have compassion and they’re letting murderers and rapist out of jail? They are throwing nonviolent offenders in cages and they’re letting these scum sucking rats out on the street? Make that make sense. 

I’ve come to terms with police; it wasn’t easy and I still struggle with my prejudice, but, the fact is, they are hired to do a job and their job says go arrest people drinking and smoking on the street corners. What are they supposed to do? This creates hate in the community. Then, the whole country just bursts into flames because that cop killed George Floyd, who was an arch fricken criminal who deserved to die like a dog in the street, if I’m using that phrase correctly. As long as I am being totally honest; after viewing all the footage, autopsy report, I was absolutely convinced Chauvin was going to be not guilty and that the whole country was going to raze. It is difficult to say from the evidence I’ve seen (the uncut version) that he killed Floyd, but Derek Chauvin was a savage brute criminal himself, part of the Minneapolis police known as “thumpers” and even referred to as such by a police chief.16 He was also charged after the Floyd murder conviction for restraining and beating a 13 year old boy, but he got shanked, so tac one up for the good guys. John Turscak, hero of justice, I hope he has achieved the level of fame in prison that he deserves. Even though Chauvin survived, the world would be a better place without him and Floyd. Two birds with one shiv.

Anyway, I have entertained the thought that I may have got carried away here. Now, onto the point everyone wants to know: “why are all people who vote Democrat stupid, when you admit they’re right?” Well, I’ll tell you why: Memory.

They forget so quickly. Trump murdered all those people with the COVID-19 virus, Biden takes office, more people die under his tenure than during Trump’s, but, all the sudden, this accusation is just gone. One minute, they’re never going to take the Trump vaccine, the next minute anyone who doesn’t take a vaccine is a killer. Ask a Democrat about these positions, they will have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s like they’re using Orwell’s 1984 as a manual! I’ve petitioned the pope to have 1984 added to The Bible. I haven’t heard back yet, possibly because I was excommunicated, but it’s of no significance to me— Pope Francis can go choke on his diet of worms.

Fauci flip-flopping constantly in his Science, which he is the pope of (actually, he’s a heretic claiming to be Science incarnate), Democrats cannot recall one single instance where he said masks were effective in the community, or not effective, depending on Fauci’s position on that particular day. Fauci has been the head of the AIAD for the last eighty years and the auto-immune disorders have done nothing sky rocket in his tenure. “Science has spoken,” a thunderous voice from the sky calls out; in front of congress he didn’t flip flop, the Science “just changed”. He may be a great many things to a lot of different people which are debatable, but one thing that cannot be denied is that he is completely inept. He has proved he is not capable of doing his job. 

Trump gets impeached for “investigating a political opponent”; meanwhile, the government is investigating the Trump campaign well before he won the nominee. Even after the Durham Report, they do not believe that Russiagate was all a hoax. Clinton and Obama both conspired with the FBI to start this investigation, which they knew was a farce. Trump gets impeached for “withholding funds” from Ukraine as heard on the most perfect phone conversation since the telephone was invented, and, come to find out, he was investigating Biden for doing the same exact  thing he was impeached for, which we have Biden on camera saying!! He got Viktor Shokin fired because he was investigating Burisma, an oil company which just happened to be employing is son Hunter. Joe Biden had no idea he even worked there, depending on which version of the story you use. Even Jake Tapper says on CNN, maybe Trump was right about Hunter getting money from Russia, Ukraine, and China! The Democrats don’t know anything about this. Nothing. Trump was impeached because he was a criminal. And the other hosts just say, “Well, how could anyone have known? I mean, he’s Trump.”

After the media calls these mass shooters racist and Republican, and it comes out that they’re trans and registered Democrats, no one remembers anything. If they do, they chalk it up to Right-wing conspiracies and the infamous “Republican pounce.” Which means to observe something and point it out, apparently. Then, they go to the Tennessee Capitol in order to obstruct legislation, taking it over, because guns are legal and forced this poor trans kid to shoot up innocent people. This insurrection by the Democrats, lauded by Biden, is just… harmless. Riots while Trump was in office were just fine with all the Democrats. They don’t remember this. Seriously, ask them. 

Trump was separating families and keeping people in cages, cages Obama and Biden built (by the way) for doing nothing wrong but wanting to live in the U.S. which was an abomination of humanity, but now what’s going on at the border? Where are these people now? Not a peep. I think AOC criticized Biden, but stopped after being offered to control of the situation down there. I’d love to cite that for you because you will never be able to find it in an internet search — it’s just gone. Trump has denied being a racist more than any president in history, a claim Abraham Lincoln never made; in fact he denied not being racist, several times. He has denied it all while never even mentioning the NAACP awards mingling with famed Black people and leaders, but, nope, he’s a racist. I remember the 2020 election, and people were like, “Why do you just love Trump?”, or bring up other things about him that had nothing to do with the conversation, and I would say, “I don’t like Trump. It just so happens everyone calls him a racist, and he’s not.” Joe Biden was mentored by Robert Byrd, politician and Klansman. He has regarded Blacks and minorities as criminals for decades and said all types of racist stuff, and Democrats would “have to look that up” when it is discussed. Trump brought up the Crime Bill in debate, Biden says, “That was a mistake.”  Really? “Okay Mr. Biden. Everyone makes mistakes. Not everyone makes mistakes that causes whole communities to turn their backs and hate police, not to mention contribute to all the other factors that have oppressed urban, mostly minority, people, but it’s okay.” Drilling? Oil? Come on man [Biden voice]… 

January 6th videos are released; we see people praying and singing with police in the Capitol building; one could show a Democrat footage of this right to his/her/she/they/zhe/its face and they would still deny any knowledge that such videos existed. Are you trying to tell me that a mob of people can just overcome the police and break into the Capitol Building? So, any single foreign entity could just waltz up in there and do whatever they want? Probably, people are waltzing like mufuh up through the southern border. It’s a waste of time to even talk, let alone ask, these things. Democrats simply do not know. 

The “defund the police” movement lasted approximately 30 seconds (then, you even hear Democrats (back when they were trying to legislate police reform) blame the Republicans saying, “This sounds like the Republican ‘defund the police’ movement.” It is comical. Question: How are they going to take away guns, or even be protected because they don’t have a gun, without police? That’s a difficult question even if one doesn’t first ask how they can use guns to take away guns; that is why these people will never be taken serious— they’re hypocrites. This is an irreconcilable contradiction. They think certain people should have the right to have them. They got this demented Rawlsian view of equality that is preposterous.

Alright, I’m done with the malfeasance of these maleficent mosquitoes. I’m going to wrap this up because I am done! 6500 words, breach of protocol, and it’s still coming— obviously, the coping stratagem, venting, is not going to cut the cheese. I just can’t take it anymore; I am politically exhausted; The Democrats are right. Consider this my resignation letter (after I finish the few works already in progress). Go ahead, let your babies starve. It’s your body, go rip your fetus out— it’s only a ball of cells that just happens to look exactly like a little baby. They are doing their baby a favor, lest they be raised by a wicked wretch who is capable of such things. I don’t know how it’s not a crime to mutilate and sterilize children and turn them into a freak show, but at least we have the Darwinian model that could help explain why this may be beneficial to society. However, if you’re a grown woman/man/whatever, knock yourself out! In fact, do it literally before you shoot up a school or yourself, or both. Go get your metoidioplastic 5cm penis so you can write your name in the snow (the epitome of masculinity), I will join you. I got no problem with the ROYGBIV+ community. You want to squander your college education away, and keep making poor decisions after you graduate, cool. But don’t come crawling to me, or the government, when you can’t pay for your own mistakes. You think I like being married? You think I wouldn’t rather live like Biden was my dad instead of going to work every day, raising children, dieting, and going to the doctor and all the other annoyances of being responsible? I was a philanthropic frotteuristic philanderer in my day and still reminisce about my drunken debauchery from time to time, but, as it turns out, that lifestyle leads to self-destruction, suffering, and loneliness (as it turns out, people don’t like narcissistic glutens). Yet it is me who has to pay for everyone’s mistakes, not to mention my own. It’s pathetic. That’s the problem with you slaves; you love your chains. All these ivy league slave masters run around talking about [pronounced “tahm-bow”] how it’s alright to be fat, do drugs, leave your family, get rid of tradition, white people are terrible, minorities are oppressed, religion is ridiculous, marriage is a silly socially constructed institution, and yet they are white, married, raising children, go to church, pay their loans, and never had to struggle a day in their entire life. Which, until I said that out loud, I didn’t realize why they’re always incredulously indignant about themselves. When these worthless slugs have to suffer the consequences of their own saltiness, they want to force me to pay. 

This is our money they are counterfeiting, our money and gold they plundered, that they squander and abuse. People think it’s cool to burn the American flag, or walk on it, or whatever, but that is our flag— It needs to forcefully stripped from all government buildings for they are not worthy to fly it. Can you feel how hard my fingers are hitting this keyboard? You know what the problem is today? Presidents don’t get shot no more. Who was the last president to get shot? Reagan? Of course, back in the day it was a little too common and with little meaning (e.g. Teddy Roosevelt got popped and was like, “Alright, lets get this speech done, we’re going to be behind schedule now.”) — The whole country has gotten soft. You are all going to get what you deserve: mayhem. I would rather puke out my nose than vote for Biden or Trump. I hope Trump grabs all y’all by the pussies. 

  1. I know it was a bit out of context but that just reinforces the effectiveness of their cunning stratagem. ↩︎
  2. As much as I am a fan of crudeness, I am still mildly insecure about sounding pervy, so, I’m going to make this clear: This is called “sarcasm”. There is many a Democrat who view Republicans as sexist, racist, etc., and truly just meant to point out the shallowness of voters. ↩︎
  3. I really hate this idiom, but it felt so good right there; I hope others find it agreeable. ↩︎
  4. Same disclaimer for Republicans, if one votes Republican, then one is exactly to whom I refer regardless of self-identified terminology. It is not preferential treatment that this is in a footnote rather than disclaimer, it’s just that I spent all that time making that little box. ↩︎
  5. Einstein, A. (1949). Why socialism?. Monthly Review, May. Retrieved from: on 1/31/24. ↩︎
  6. Retrieved from: ↩︎
  7. Dawkins, R. (1976). The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Publishing. ↩︎
  8. Elliot, M. (2001). Get ur freak on. Miss E… So Addictive. Goldmine/Elektra records. ↩︎
  9. Played by DJ Pooh. ↩︎
  10. Played by Tom Lister Jr. ↩︎
  11. Gray, F. (1995). Friday↩︎
  12. If I wanted to drink Bud Light, I would buy a Budweiser, drink half, and fill the rest up with water. ↩︎
  13. Jones, D. (2022). Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children. NPR. Retrieved from: ↩︎
  14. I’m over citations. ↩︎
  15. Guy GP Jr., Lee FC, Sunshine G, et al. Association of State-Issued Mask Mandates and Allowing On-Premises Restaurant Dining with County-Level COVID-19 Case and Death Growth Rates — United States, March 1–December 31, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021;70:350–354. DOI: ↩︎
  16. Ross, J. (2021). Derek Chauvin was just sentenced to 22 and a half years. But America’s law-enforcement system still isn’t set up for accountability. TIME. Retrieved from: ↩︎

1 thought on “Democrats are Right”

  1. Love the narrative ! I could be a Democrat.. though it is doubtful.. I would certainly encourage, and enjoy a nice piece of cheese to go with the whyne !!!
    Very provocative

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