This story is based on the hope libertarians had for Donald Trump and the antiwar stance he took in his campaign for presidency. He continued to talk peace and bring the troops home even after he took office and a lot of libertarians thought he sounded sincere and honest, but then, he kept hiring these war-hawks like Pompeo, Bolton, and Abrams. It baffled libertarian pundits: “Does he think he has to hire these savage neocons? Why does he do it?” The background of this story is concerning the war in Syria, how Trump was trying to get out of it but was inhibited by the war mongers in his cabinet, and eventually called Rand Paul for assistance. The following is how is a dramatization of that moment in history and the ending is true to the real story.
Mike Pompeo (R) a Warhawk appointed by President Trump to the Secretary of State after firing Rex Tillerson for being too Warhawkish.John Bolton shows up, another Warhawk appointed by Trump and fired by Trump for hawkish behavior.Trump and Rand Paul had words throughout the primaries, and it is believed that Paul dropped out of the race because of him. They think he’s saying “security” instead of “Siri” because they’re out of touch with technology (yes, its petty, sorry).Trump really did consult Rand Paul (R – Kentucky Senator) concerning an exit plan to get the U.S. out of Syria assumedly because of Sen. Paul’s very open stance against foreign policy and war. Sen. Paul ended up supporting Trump in his 2020 campaign; likely because he was a more conservative president than anyone in the world thought he would be.Elliot Abrams, convicted for his involvement in the “Iran-Contra”, pardoned by Bush, and Trump hired him as a special representative in Venezuela. He’s an evil looking man, makes one wonder if he tries to look like that, or if that’s just how one looks after devouring a community of Smurfs.Typically, when my work depicts characters reading, it’s usually supposed to give some insight to the characters thought process; however, I depicted The State Against Blacks by Walter Williams because he had just died at the time this was drawn, and he is among the top philosophers/authors of libertarianism. This was more of a tribute to him than any implication – R.I.P.Typically, when my work depicts characters reading, it’s usually supposed to give some insight to the characters thought process; however, I depicted The State Against Blacks by Walter Williams because he had just died at the time this was drawn, and he is among the top philosophers/authors of libertarianism. This was more of a tribute to him than any implication – R.I.PTulsi Gabbard (D) from Hawaii is against war and appeared on the “Ron Paul Liberty Report” several times. Bernie Sanders, communist from Vermont; he also disagrees with the war in Syria, and they have teamed up with the Antiwar Vets to fight the Hawks, which Dr. Paul uses as a rebuttal to what is said by Pompeo that Dr. Paul is lacking in bipartisanship.It turns out, he was talking of a boat that flies, and Biden/Obama swing to action along with Clinton and the Ghost of John McCain. Majority leaders of the House and Senate, opposite parties, side by side as Warhawks, and the fight ensues.A lot of people have asked me: “Taj, this whole body of work [Undisputed Champion for Liberty] has been sloppy caricatured cartoons of people that made us laugh; why, now, have you drawn Senate Majority (now Minority) leader Mitch McConnel with the utmost realism and precision of photograph?” The answer is I am not sure, I caricatured him the way do everyone, it just turned out like that.Before I figured out footnotes could be useful, and better. Jesse “The Body” Ventura was the Governor of Minnesota for the years listed on his belt and former pro wrestler (and movie star) running Reform Party (started by Ross Perot); he is an anti-war advocate.The supervillain Mitch McConnell’s superpower is that of a “blob” which is his real superpower in real life as far as I know… just going off looks.Eric July is someone I found on YouTube, probably because he talks about comics and libertarianism–it kept recommending him. Then, I heard him on the Tom Woods Show, so here they are fighting together. July has Crenshaw (Hawk Rep. from Texas) pinned down.While July does not address foreign affairs much, he does understand the libertarian position, but I specifically brought him in to criticize Biden’s affirmative action pick for Vice President, which is something he does all the time with comic book characters. Her laugh is notoriously Jokeresque and hideous; if it weren’t an obvious nervous tick, maybe it wouldn’t sound so awkward.Mainstream media cannons: They’re launching propaganda about Syria and other wars. If you look the cannons are the media production corporations, and the cannon the two visible cannonballs read “OPCW” and “White Helmets”. White Helmets (Syria Civil Defence), I believe (it’s been so long since all this was happening, I can’t remember, but you should be cross-referencing anyway, this is comic book for crying out loud), claims of “gassing” (The “proof” of Assad “gassing his own people”) came from and turned out to be bogus.The idea for Scott Horton’s superpowers came from a Tom Woods Show episode, with (I believe to be) Angela McArdle guest starring, where Tom says, “Believe it or not, some people don’t like him,” and she interrupts saying, “What?! He’s like an angel.” And he is.This comic was inspired by a group text started by Bob and Tony Bakker to complain about foreign policy. It is believed that it started during the Syiria fiasco (this was not confirmed with the other members), and was named “Antiwar Vets” thus inspiring this comic and many others. And there we have it, the completion of The Undisputed Champion for Liberty saga comes to completion. Touching on the Dr. Ron Paul’s most significant politics: the Federal Reserve bank, raw milk regulation, COVID-19 tyranny, and foreign policy & war – the Green New Deal to a lesser extent, but still on the agenda. Trump, the most beloved president in all of history, has lost the office. I apologize for not getting the story out sooner, but politics has just burnt me completely out. As for the commentary, there is not much to say. War is wrong, and typically bipartisan when the president is not acting on their own accord (which is rare). Usually, the candidate for peace wins the presidency, and, man, did Trump have us libertarians fooled. He seemed so serious though. It is strange that it is not brought up more to Trumpers pretending he was all about everything he said in his campaign, but it is probably because, again, war is bipartisan. He was going to get us out of Afghanistan, but Biden delayed it, but seems promising he will pull us out – despite the criticism he receives for it. Equally as strange, the same Republican “what about Hilary” people who supported Trump’s moves to get us out, is now criticizing Biden for following through. I hope no one tells Biden it was Trump’s plan or the whole thing will go to hell. However, our heroes will return, even if in more of a “fictional” capacity, if you will.